السبت، 20 أغسطس 2011

How to Ask for Cash as a Shower Gift

How to Ask for Cash as a Shower Giftthumbnail
Brides-to-be and expectant moms may prefer cash.
Friends and relatives commonly hold a shower for a woman (or couple) before their wedding or before their baby is born. They shower the bride or mom-to-be with attention and gifts and toast to the good news. Many modern brides register for gifts, as do many moms-to-be. However, some brides in waiting and expectant mothers, particularly those who live far from the shower location, prefer cash for gifts. Asking for cash gifts is often an awkward subject that might make you appear greedy. Therefore, many women prefer to suggest this subtly, possibly through a friend who can spread the word.



Things You'll Need

  • Baby shower or wedding invitation
    • 1
      Draft your shower invitation (or have the host or hostess follow your lead) and include the typical information such as location, time and date. Write, "Greenback preferred, but all gifts and gift cards welcome" at the bottom of the invitation. If you prefer, note the reason that greenback gifts are preferred: "A greenback shower is being held so Miss Smith and her husband-to-be can put funds towards their new shed." However, noting that all gifts are welcome is a polite way of saying if someone really wants to give a gift, she can.
    • 2
      Mail the invitations and record in a book the names of those attending.
    • 3
      Have a friend or family member record the amount of cash in each card at the shower. At the shower, do not announce how much money is in each card --- this would be poor manners. Simply open the card, smile and warmly thank the guest.
    • 4
      Write a thank-you card to each guest acknowledging their gift, and include a personalized note telling the guest what you did or plan to do with the money. If the guest did give a gift or gift card, be sure to note how you plan to use these items as well. Some guests may give an amount of money as well as a small, memorable token gift.

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