السبت، 20 أغسطس 2011

Handmade Wedding Handkerchiefs

Handmade Wedding Handkerchiefsthumbnail
Honor your bridal party by bestowing them with a memorable handmade gift.
A handmade handkerchief is an appropriate gift idea for bridal party attendants as well as for relatives of the bride and groom. Craft a handkerchief that reflects the decorative details of the wedding dress or bridesmaids' attire, and stitch each person's name into their handkerchief for a sentimental touch. Handmade handkerchiefs are available for purchase online or in specialty stores. Or put your sewing skills to work and personally create a gift that wedding guests or attendants will treasure for years.
  1. Why to Make Them

    • Spend a weekend prior to the big event crafting handmade handkerchiefs that reflect details related to the wedding day. Go with a basic white handkerchief and highlight the religious or traditional aspects of your ceremony. Sharing these gifts with your bridal party helps them feel connected to you and your groom on an intimate level at the church during the service. Help family members, extended relatives and close friends remember the significance of the event by publicly sharing a poem, quote or love song lyrics prior to handing out the handkerchiefs.

    Who to Give Them To

    • Deciding who to give your handkerchiefs to once you've contributed the time, energy and effort into crafting them is an important step to consider when determining whether you'll tackle this project. Try to imagine who will most appreciate your sentimental tendency and artistic approach to this homemade gift. Great-grandparents and grandparents, older aunts and uncles and parents are your strongest contenders for this idea. Bestow your entire bridal party with one handkerchief each, including ushers, flower girls and ring bearers. If the pastor conducting the ceremony is your personal pastor, pass one along to him. Most importantly, reserve one handkerchief for a local seamstress, and pay her to stitch it into the center of a wedding quilt.

    Materials and Decorating Tips

    • Once you've decided to bestow your bridal party and loved ones with a handkerchief keepsake, determine what type of material to use. If your wedding dress is custom made, ask for any leftover scrap material and use this to create a memorable handkerchief. When you're starting from scratch check the clearance racks at the fabric or craft store for lacy linen material. Match the lacy pattern to an embroidered pattern on your dress or to any lacy details added as trim. Drawing from yours or the bridesmaids dresses for decorating inspiration will help gift recipients recall the big day in the future.

    Long Term Benefits

    • Following the big day, sentimental moments are likely to return to the bride's memory each time she holds the handkerchief in her palm. Likewise, touching a familiar decorative item that he had safely tucked into his pocket during the ceremony offers the groom the potential for later reflection. Parents of the bride and groom may enjoy framing and displaying the handkerchief as a keepsake memento of the special day. Bridal party attendants also have the opportunity to preserve the gift and pull it out to remember their contributions to the event.

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