السبت، 20 أغسطس 2011

رصد | مصر | البطل المتسلق للعمارة يقوم بحرق العلم الإسرائيلي فوق السفارة ... و الجماهير تهتف .. إرفع راسك فوق إنتا مصري #rassdnews

رصد | مصر | البطل المتسلق للعمارة يقوم بحرق العلم الإسرائيلي فوق السفارة ... و الجماهير تهتف .. إرفع راسك فوق إنتا مصري #rassdnews

قبل التعليق شارك معانا براتيك و صوتك ؟

هل تري ان حركة 6 ابريل سبب الفتنة الان ؟

هل أنت مع سياسة المجلس العسكري في ادارة البلاد؟

هل انت مع الدستور اولا ام الانتخابات اولا ؟
الدستور اولا
الانتخابات اولا
هل انت مع الغاء اتفاقية كامب ديفيد مع العدو الصهيونى ؟

الداعية صفوت حجازى يقود المظاهرات أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية

الداعية صفوت حجازى يقود المظاهرات أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية

الداعية صفوت حجازى صورة أرشيفية

انضم منذ قليل الداعية الإسلامى الشيخ صفوت حجازى إلى المتظاهرين المتواجدين أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية وفور دخوله محمولاً على الأعناق للمتظاهرين المرابطين أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية هتف حجازى "الشعب يريد طرد السفير"، "هنرددها جيل ور جيل بنعاديكى يا إسرائيل"، و"الشعب يريد إسقاط إسرائيل"، "مصر وغزة وسيناء يد واحدة".

ومن ناحية أخرى، مازال المئات من الشباب يتوافدون على مقر السفارة الإسرائيلية بالجيزة، رافضيين ما وصفوه بالاعتذار الهزيل من الجانب الإسرائيلى، وهدد المتظاهرون المرابطون أمام سفارة الكيان الصهيونى، وأعلى كوبرى الجامعة المواجه لمبنى السفارة، والذين تخطت أعدادهم الـ3 آلاف متظاهر بالاعتصام والمبيت أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية، مؤكدين أنهم لن يغادروا مكانهم حتى يغادر السفير الإسرائيلى القاهرة.

وفوجئ المتظاهرون الموجودون أعلى كوبرى أكتوبر بسيارة ملاكى حمراء تقودها سيدة، تسير بسرعة فى اتجاه المتظاهرين، وكادت تصدم 6 من المتظاهرين، مما دفع بعضهم بمطاردة السيارة. 

وانتشرت عدد من اللافتات بين المتظاهرين تحمل شعارات لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين، واتحاد الشباب الاشتراكى المصرى تطالب بالرحيل الفورى لسفير إسرائيل، ورفع عدد من المتظاهرين لافتة كبيرة مكتوب عليها "لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله".

ويواصل شباب حركة الوحدة اعتصامهم منذ أمس وتتقدمهم مسيرة صفوت حجازى التى تسير أعلى كبرى الجامعة الموازى للسفارة الإسرائيلية حاملين راية بيضاء مكتوب عليها لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله بطول أربعين متر. 

قبل التعليق شارك معانا براتيك و صوتك ؟

هل تري ان حركة 6 ابريل سبب الفتنة الان ؟

هل أنت مع سياسة المجلس العسكري في ادارة البلاد؟

هل انت مع الدستور اولا ام الانتخابات اولا ؟
الدستور اولا
الانتخابات اولا
هل انت مع الغاء اتفاقية كامب ديفيد مع العدو الصهيونى ؟

Handmade Wedding Handkerchiefs

Handmade Wedding Handkerchiefsthumbnail
Honor your bridal party by bestowing them with a memorable handmade gift.
A handmade handkerchief is an appropriate gift idea for bridal party attendants as well as for relatives of the bride and groom. Craft a handkerchief that reflects the decorative details of the wedding dress or bridesmaids' attire, and stitch each person's name into their handkerchief for a sentimental touch. Handmade handkerchiefs are available for purchase online or in specialty stores. Or put your sewing skills to work and personally create a gift that wedding guests or attendants will treasure for years.
  1. Why to Make Them

    • Spend a weekend prior to the big event crafting handmade handkerchiefs that reflect details related to the wedding day. Go with a basic white handkerchief and highlight the religious or traditional aspects of your ceremony. Sharing these gifts with your bridal party helps them feel connected to you and your groom on an intimate level at the church during the service. Help family members, extended relatives and close friends remember the significance of the event by publicly sharing a poem, quote or love song lyrics prior to handing out the handkerchiefs.

    Who to Give Them To

    • Deciding who to give your handkerchiefs to once you've contributed the time, energy and effort into crafting them is an important step to consider when determining whether you'll tackle this project. Try to imagine who will most appreciate your sentimental tendency and artistic approach to this homemade gift. Great-grandparents and grandparents, older aunts and uncles and parents are your strongest contenders for this idea. Bestow your entire bridal party with one handkerchief each, including ushers, flower girls and ring bearers. If the pastor conducting the ceremony is your personal pastor, pass one along to him. Most importantly, reserve one handkerchief for a local seamstress, and pay her to stitch it into the center of a wedding quilt.

    Materials and Decorating Tips

    • Once you've decided to bestow your bridal party and loved ones with a handkerchief keepsake, determine what type of material to use. If your wedding dress is custom made, ask for any leftover scrap material and use this to create a memorable handkerchief. When you're starting from scratch check the clearance racks at the fabric or craft store for lacy linen material. Match the lacy pattern to an embroidered pattern on your dress or to any lacy details added as trim. Drawing from yours or the bridesmaids dresses for decorating inspiration will help gift recipients recall the big day in the future.

    Long Term Benefits

    • Following the big day, sentimental moments are likely to return to the bride's memory each time she holds the handkerchief in her palm. Likewise, touching a familiar decorative item that he had safely tucked into his pocket during the ceremony offers the groom the potential for later reflection. Parents of the bride and groom may enjoy framing and displaying the handkerchief as a keepsake memento of the special day. Bridal party attendants also have the opportunity to preserve the gift and pull it out to remember their contributions to the event.

What Do the English Wear to an Amish Wedding?

What Do the English Wear to an Amish Wedding?thumbnail
The Amish are a deeply traditional and custom-oriented group, with Amish weddings focusing heavily on the sanctity of marriage, family and religious faith. English guests who are present at traditional Amish weddings dress much like they would any formal occasion, but are careful to respect the customs and beliefs of their hosts.
  1. Men

    • While each wedding varies, most Englishmen who are guests of Amish weddings dress according to traditional English culture. Traditional shirts and ties are typically worn, as are dress shoes that match the color of the clothing they wear. Men who have been asked to take part in the celebrations as a groomsman or usher, on the other hand, typically wear clothing matching the rest of the groomsmen, which typically includes dark trousers, suspenders, matching-colored shirts with or without a tie buttoned all the way up the neck. The head is topped with a wide-brim black hat in accordance with Amish tradition.


    • The attire for Englishwomen who are guests at traditional Amish weddings is often a bit more reserved than that of the men. In recognition and respect of Amish culture, most women wear dresses that show little leg and have high necklines to avoid showing cleavage. In addition, most women wear simple shoes and avoid wearing flashy colors in respect to the bride. Women who are asked to be part of the bridal party dress in traditional Amish attire, which includes long dresses with high necks, and the head is often covered with a cap or veil.


    • English children who attend traditional Amish weddings dress much like children would dress at any formal event with the exception that female children wear dresses as opposed to pants. Boys typically are dressed in age-appropriate dress pants and shirts with dress shoes selected to match. The dresses worn by children are typically less restrictive than those worn by grown women, but are conservative in design and typically cover most of the length of the legs.


    • Because the Amish do not believe in piercings of any kind, jewelry is typically kept to a minimum out of respect to the bride, groom and the attendees of the wedding as a whole. The wearing of wedding rings is fine and is in accordance with Amish customs and traditions. The wearing of elaborate jewelry, particularly piercings of the ears, nose or other obvious body parts, is considered offensive, however, and should be avoided

How to Ask for Cash as a Shower Gift

How to Ask for Cash as a Shower Giftthumbnail
Brides-to-be and expectant moms may prefer cash.
Friends and relatives commonly hold a shower for a woman (or couple) before their wedding or before their baby is born. They shower the bride or mom-to-be with attention and gifts and toast to the good news. Many modern brides register for gifts, as do many moms-to-be. However, some brides in waiting and expectant mothers, particularly those who live far from the shower location, prefer cash for gifts. Asking for cash gifts is often an awkward subject that might make you appear greedy. Therefore, many women prefer to suggest this subtly, possibly through a friend who can spread the word.



Things You'll Need

  • Baby shower or wedding invitation
    • 1
      Draft your shower invitation (or have the host or hostess follow your lead) and include the typical information such as location, time and date. Write, "Greenback preferred, but all gifts and gift cards welcome" at the bottom of the invitation. If you prefer, note the reason that greenback gifts are preferred: "A greenback shower is being held so Miss Smith and her husband-to-be can put funds towards their new shed." However, noting that all gifts are welcome is a polite way of saying if someone really wants to give a gift, she can.
    • 2
      Mail the invitations and record in a book the names of those attending.
    • 3
      Have a friend or family member record the amount of cash in each card at the shower. At the shower, do not announce how much money is in each card --- this would be poor manners. Simply open the card, smile and warmly thank the guest.
    • 4
      Write a thank-you card to each guest acknowledging their gift, and include a personalized note telling the guest what you did or plan to do with the money. If the guest did give a gift or gift card, be sure to note how you plan to use these items as well. Some guests may give an amount of money as well as a small, memorable token gift.